Monday, November 5, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy!

It's been a crazy few days around here. On November 1st, All Saints Day, Jack's 4th grade religion class dressed up as their favorite saint for Mass. Jack chose St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. St. Francis was a great choice for Jack, who just might be the biggest animal lover I know! Here are a couple of pictures of him in his costume. The first picture was taken on my iPhone, so it's not so great.

Here's Jack, all lined up and ready to process into Mass. He was quite proud of himself! :)

Catholic High's homecoming dance was Saturday night. Our Caroline looked so beautiful! Here are a couple of pics that I took before the big event.

Here's one with her sweet boyfriend, Zach.

I'm going to have a hard time choosing which one I want on our Christmas card!

Last night I started working on a Thanksgiving banner for the mantel. I got the idea from one that I saw online over the weekend. I don't remember where, so I can't give credit to the creator. Sorry!

For a simple girl like me, this is perfection!

I hope to have more scrappy projects to share in the not too distant future, including Project Life entries, which I'm trying to catch up before the year is out.

Have a wonderful day, and as always, thanks for visiting!

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